Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ninjas and Sic' ems

In the second installment of Freshman Orientation, here’s a time during the day where the students got a chance to spend some time without their parents.

Students bond over a game of Ninja (which is basically a altered form of freeze-tag)...

To further explain Ninja, the object is of the game is to tag the hand of your competitor, while only getting to make one movement to do it. After that, you have to remain frozen unless someone is attempting to tag your hand.

After coming out of the spirit rally, students were eager to show off their newly learned Sic ‘em…

Side note: While at Welcome Week before my first semester at Baylor, one of the highlights had to be the enormous amount of Sic ‘ems done. It felt like every 5 minutes someone new was leading a chant.


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