Sunday, August 8, 2010


As my internship winds down and the end of the summer closes in, I read the book Fish! as one of my last assignments.

While not relating directly to photography, the book contained principles applicable to every aspect of life. To take a quote from the book that sums up what it's all about, "you can't always do what you love, but you can always love what you do." Put another way, sometimes what you're doing might not be because you love it, but rather for some other reason like trying to make ends meet. But, even in that situation, it is still your choice to enjoy what you're doing.

This is the principle the book is centered around and in the book they illustrate how this way of life can be achieved (in a work environment) via the Fish Philosophy.

It was a refreshing reminder about the importance and power of positive thinking and a good attitude.

The way the book was written made it a very easy read. With its fast-moving plot, it was certainly hard to put down. I can appreciate a book that says what it needs in just over a 100 pages, rather going on and on, just to fill pages.

Verdict: Two thumbs up


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