Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The End

This post marks the end of my internship with Baylor Photography. It's pretty crazy to think the summer is rapidly coming to an end, but I definitely was able to make the most of it.

At this point, the multimedia project I'm working is still labeled a work-in-progress, but here's some scenes so far... (Sorry in advance for the abrupt ending)

So far, I've only shot the 'behind-the-scenes' footage from inside Katie's Custard, which surprisingly very secretive about their ingredients and recipes. I wasn't aware the 'frozen treats' industry was so competitive. Who knew?

But, once the Baylor crowd comes back to town, I'll be sure to head over there and give it another go, focusing on the people eating the custard.

After reviewing the time-lapse I shot yesterday of the sign out in front of the Ferrell Center, I discovered I didn't have a the rotation on the sign timed right. As a result, I ended up with too many pictures not of the temperature slide. I'll have another go at that in the near future.

The sunrise was shot this morning overlooking Lake Waco. While one camera was shooting the time-lapse, I was using another to shoot some of the pictures seen below...

The color really is beautiful at that time of day.

I'm very thankful to Robbie and Matthew for giving me this opportunity. And thanks to those who checked out this blog and came along for the ride. Now, with the Fall semester just around the corner, I'll be shifting my focus to working with the Lariat. Daily issues of the Lariat can be found on our website at www.baylorlariat.com.


1 comment:

  1. Daniel! Its Kelly Richter. Like the scale. Boom! Shock-a-lock-a! GOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAL.
    I think you should post the finished "Hot Day" when you're done with it. I enjoy it! :) As I've enjoyed looking at your pictures this summer! I love those ones of Lake Waco today. Way to be awesome! :) SPRINKLES! That is all. :) Overuse of the smiley face intended. The end.
